


This is a reminder that the BG真人大游APP 校董会 will meet Thursday, Feb. 下午3点9分.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 一月定期会议纪要
  • New policy: Student 住房 Service and Emotional Animals Support 住房 Guidelines
  • Replacement position: physical science faculty


  • Appointment of Commencement Award Committee





The BG真人大游APP 校董会 met in regular session on Thursday, 09, February 2023 in JPH conference center. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 受托人帕姆·亨利, 琳达举杯祝酒, 黛比·约翰逊, 路加福音Feighert, 莎拉·纽曼, 没有汤姆林森, 斯科特·米勒也出席了.

BG真人大游APP personnel attending included Richard Stipe, Dr. Rodney Arnold, Micki Somers, Chandra Huston, Jo Adams, Dr. 里克Massengale, 瑞安·霍夫曼, 梅丽莎·布雷, 内尔债券, 瓦莱丽•马丁, Kelsea阴暗的, Tavonda布朗, Dr. 马特·卡丹博士.  大卫·梅森和杰里·杰克逊市长.



Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. Trustee Pledger asked to add a discussion on policies of Student 住房 under new business.  Chair McNew asked for a motion to add the discussion of policies on Student 住房. A motion was made by Trustee Pledger, seconded by Trustee Tomlinson, and unanimously approved. 



财经报道- richard Stipe分享了E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through January 2023.

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated total revenue for the month was $ 1,434,361, 年初至今是12美元,465,672. Mr. Stipe said the revenue is tracking well with percent, and he will watch it through the end of the year. The expenditures for the month were $1,215,747, 年初至今是9美元,859,959, 哪个是过去几个月的趋势.

Auxiliary: Revenue for the current month ended at $232,195 with a year-to-date total of $1,411,438. Mr. Stipe stated the revenue aligns with this time of the year. Expenditures current month total ended at $179,783 and a year-to-date total of $1,319,903. There was a net gain year-to-date of $91,536. He said the revenue and expenditures trend line is slightly up from previous years. He said they would watch the numbers closely as the fiscal year approaches. Trustee Miller asked if the impact of the 大学烧烤 was included in the Auxiliary. Mr. Stipe said that it was included in the auxiliary budget. He said he had not separated the resale of food service yet, with it being a new addition to this year.

总统发表. Massengale announced the first-place and second-place winners of the Snowman contest, which took place during the time off due to the ice and snow. He thanked the maintenance crew for clearing the parking lots for the students.

He stated the Student Semester Credit Hours were 15,241, 人数为1人,2023年春季学期612. He said he is very pleased with the enrollment numbers and is excited about the new programs, 酒店业助理, 体育管理, 和暖通空调. Dr. Massengale spoke about Governor Sanders's proclamation on Career and Technical Education Month in Arkansas. 斯科特•豪伊, 技术中心主任, listed some highlights of the Technical center that included AAS in HVACR; a TC and CP in Energy Management are in the works. He stated four new CNC machines were added with received 奖助金 and support from the 校董会 and the President's Council. The machines allow for advanced HAAS training and certifications. With the help of a grant and board approval of funds, the HVAC units will be replaced in collision repair and automotive service. Mr. Howie praised the North campus instructors and their hard work in opportunities, 奖助金, 还有社区项目. Dr. Massengale said he is proud of our Technical Center.

Mayor Jerry Jackson presented a proclamation on Career and Technical Education month. Mayor Jackson thanked bg真人游戏注册 for the concurrent classes available at Harrison High school that helped his granddaughter gain credit hours that transferred to her current college.

Tavonda布朗 presented a draft copy of the Student 住房 Occupancy Selection policy. She stated they opened applications to everyone last Fall. 夫人. Brown said of the 76 applications, 13 non-athletes applied and 62 athletes. She then discussed the process of going through each application. 夫人. Brown encouraged the board to send suggestions. Trustee Tomlinson asked how you can get the word out of the applications to all students, 包括高中. 夫人. Brown said the recruiters informed the high school students of the housing opportunities and listed them on our website. Trustee Tomlinson asked if a date was set to open applications for the Fall semester. 夫人. Brown said the applications are always open, and they will determine dates to reach out to applicants in housing within the following weeks.



The 同意议程 included the January regular meeting minutes, 新政策, Student 住房 Service and Emotional Animals Support 住房 Guidelines, 以及替换位置, 物理科学学院. Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Feighert, seconded by Trustee Newman, and unanimously approved.



Appointment of Commencement Award Committee

Chair McNew appointed 琳达举杯祝酒 as Chair of the committee along with 没有汤姆林森 and 莎拉·纽曼 to serve on the Commencement Award committee.


There being no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 3:54 p.m.

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